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Dog Training Education Resources for the pet owner

Shock Collars/Remote Training

  1. Is it really just a tap?  Shock collar training explained  (Eileen Anderson)  
  2. Shock collar training video analysis  (Eileen Anderson)  
  3. Shock collar training vs. force free video analysis  (Eileen Anderson)  
  4. Training your dog with a shock collar: How will you decide?  (Eileen Anderson)  
  5. Shock collars - the ugly truth (Valerie Barry)
  6. Electric collar training reviewed  (Connie Borwick)  
  7. Top 5 reasons to use a shock collar on your dog  (Eric Brad)  
  8. Vets on behavior proclaim, never use shock collar (Steve Dale)
  9. Clinical signs caused by the use of electric training collars on dogs in everyday life situations  (Dept. Animal Welfare & Behavior, Veterinary School of Hannover Germany)  
  10. Shock talk:  Patricia McConnell weighs in on the shock and awe campaign of dog collar manufacturers  (Emily Douglas)  
  11. A dog's perspectives on shock collars speaks volumes  (Adrienne Janet Farricelli)   
  12. Expert dog trainer Robert Milner says heck no to shock collars  (Irwin Greenstein)   
  13. How humans and dogs can learn - and suffer - from the use of negative reinforcement  (Anna Jane Grossman)  
  14. Why consider the use of shock collars carefully (Joyce Kesling)
  15. On shocking our dogs  (Trish King)  
  16. Bark collars - just another "quick fix" (Jonathan P. Klein)  
  17. Do Shock Collars Work On Dogs? (Casey Lomonaco)  
  18. Electric collars that shock dogs into obedience are banned in Wales (Fiona Macrae)
  19. Simply wrong  (Dr. Patricia McConnell)  
  20. High court backs ban on shock collars in Wales (News Wales)
  21. Considerations for shock and "training" collars (Dr. Karen Overall)
  22. Who should you trust to train your dog? (Tasneen Paghdiwala talks about shock trainer Ami Moore)
  23. Position statement on the use of shock in animal training  (Pet Professional Guild)
  24. Electric collars - no thanks  (Positive Police Dogs)
  25. Training dogs with help of the shock collar: short and long term behavioural effects  (Matthijs B.H. Schilder & Joanne A.M. van der Borg)  
  26. Remember invisible fences and remote training collars are electric (Smiley DogLost USA)  
  27. The problem with shock (Angelica Steinker)
  28. Training dogs with the help of shock collars: short and long term behavioral effects  (University of Utrecht)  
  29. Are electronic shock collars painful or just annoying to dogs? (Dr. Sophia Yin)  
  30. The Canine Shock Collar Debate (Pat Miller)

“The degree of force used by a trainer is inversely proportional to the trainers level of competence “ - Leah Roberts

Shock Collars/Invisible Fences

  1. Why I really hate electronic shock (invisible) fencing  (Pam Dennison)  
  2. Sophie's story: dog killed by shock fence  (Leslie Grabowski)  
  3. Invisible fences - not a recommended solution (Christine Hibbard)  
  4. The visible dangers of invisible fencing  (Kim MacMillan)  
  5. Simply shocking  (Pat Miller)    
  6. Can aggression in dogs be elicited by the use of electronic containment systems?  (Richard Polsky)  
  7. Photo of damage from electric fence collar  (facebook)  


  1. Shock collar test  
  2. Youtube video of girl experiencing invisible fence correction when holding collar  
  3. Dog injured by bark collar in kennel  
  4. Teenaged boy tries bark collar   
  5. How to beat pain (researchers use shock collars on low settings to simulate arthritic pain)  
  6. Human "trained" by electric shock collar  (The Kennel Club)  
  7. Dog vs. electric fence  

Take Action

  1. Shock Free Coalition
  2. Petition to ban shock collars in Canada  

Other "Training" Collars

  1. Training your dog with a prong collar (or shock collar, shake can, alpha roll) is not positive  (Joanne Brokaw)  
  2. How to fit and use choke chains in dog training  (Nando Brown and Jean Donaldson)  
  3. Reflections on prong collars  (Ines Gaschot)  
  4. The issue with choke chains (Claire Grobbelaar)
  5. Choke, prong and shock collars can irreversibly damage your dog  (Dr. Peter Tobias)
  6. Say no to choke chains! (Pamela Johnson)
  7. The hunt for the elusive prong collar-loving dog  (Casey Lomonaco)  
  8. How to use a prong collar  (Sara Reusche)  
  9. Choke and prong collars: health concerns call for equipment change in dog training  (Angelica Steinker and Niki Tudge)  
  10. Low risk vs. high risk dog training  (John Visconti)  

"A wolf would flip another wolf against his will ONLY if he were planning to kill it.  Can you 
imagine what a forced alpha roll does to the psyche of our dogs?" - Dr Ian Dunbar

Training Based On Old Methods

  1. Dog training's latest buzzword: Balance  (Eric Brad) 
  2. If dogs think and feel, do aversive methods cause harm?  (Joanne Brokaw)  
  3. I had to  (Suzanne Clothier)  
  4. The science of carrots and sticks  (Mia Cobb)  
  5. The true killer - ill informed "professionals" lacking critical thinking skills and scientific reasoning  (Maria DeLeon)  
  6. Dog aggression may be caused by owners, new study finds  (Sheila Dichoso)  
  7. Talk softly and carry a carrot or a big stick? (Jean Donaldson)
  8. The continuum generator  (Jean Donaldson) 
  9. "Hey, have you heard the one about climate change and dog training?"  (Emily Douglas)   
  10. What's wrong with this picture?  Effectiveness is not enough  (Susan G. Friedman)  
  11. The possibilities in dog training  (Susan Garrett)
  12. Confrontational behavior modification techniques and the risk to owners  (James Ha)  
  13. Survey of the use and outcome of confrontational and non-confrontational training methods  (Meghan Herron, Frances Shofer, Ilana Reisner)  
  14. My name is Deb and I'm an "unbalanced" trainer  (Deb Jones)  
  15. Dangers of alpha rolling (Greta Kaplan)
  16. A surprising look at balanced training  (Laurie Luck)  
  17. Confrontational techniques elicit aggression  (Dr. Patricia McConnell)  
  18. Another potentially dangerous dog trainer  (Drayton Michaels)
  19. The effects of combining positive and negative reinforcement during training  (Nicole A. Murray)  
  20. Should I alpha roll my dog?  (Positive Police Dogs)
  21. The poisoned cue: Why clicking and correction don't mix (Karen Pryor)
  22. If you're aggressive, your dog will be too (Science Daily)  
  23. Effecting change - money makes the world go 'round  (Anne Springer)  
  24. Dinosaurs and dog training  (Anne Springer)  
  25. Spare the rod and train the dog, punishment and its fallout  (Niki Tudge)  
  26. Coercion in Pet Dog Training Leads to a “Life of Quiet Desperation” for Dogs (Niki Tudge)  

  27. Warning!  Positive training may harm your dog  (Yvette Van Veen)  
  28. Difficult, "aggressive" dogs need strong training.  Really?  (John Visconti) 
  29. Some dogs need a heavier hand?  (Nicole Wilde)  
  30. Popular "alpha dog" training techniques can cause more harm than good (Dr. Sophia Yin)

Dog training should not be a battle of wills, but an ever-evolving dance of communication and cooperation.
- Nicole Wilde

Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. - John F. Kennedy

You may think that it’s no big deal to tell a dog “No!” or “Eh Eh!” to stop a behavior. The problem with suppressing behavior is that you create a vacuum. The only behaviors with which your dog can replace the one you didn’t like are more “dog behaviors” and most likely ones you will not be fond of. Another problem is that if the behavior is a side-effect of an underlying problem like stress or over arousal, punishing the symptom can be unfair as well as cause more behavior problems down the line. If you instead get to the root of the problem and fix it using behavior modification, the unwanted problem behavior- which is a side-effect- will disappear on it’s own.
- Emily Larlham 

  Debunking Dominance Theory/Myth

  1. Do unto others: intimidation in dog training  (Aleksandra)  
  2. Position statement on the use of Dominance Theory in behavior modification of animals (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior)
  3. Dominance and dog training (Association of Pet Dog Trainers)  
  4. The myth of the alpha dog part 2  (Dr. Becker)  
  5. The myth of alpha dogs (Eric Brad)
  6. Blunt force trauma: canine reality (Eric Brad)  
  7. What to do if you think your dog is "dominant"  (Eric Brad)  
  8. Dominance in domestic dogs - useful construct or bad habit?  (John W.S. Bradshaw, Emily J. Blackwell, Rachel A. Casey)    
  9. Debunking the dominance myth (Carmen Buitrago)  
  10. Dominance... again  (Cave_Canem)  
  11. That darned dominance debate  (Suzanne Clothier)  
  12. Canine dominance: is the concept of the alpha dog valid? (Dr. Stanley Coren)  
  13. Why everything you know about wolf packs is wrong  (Lisa Davis)  
  14. Debunking the dominance myth in dog training  (DogSmith)  
  15. Are dogs pack animals? (Jean Donaldson)
  16. Let's just be humans training dogs (Dr. Ian Dunbar)
  17. Misconceptions of the mythical alpha dog (Dr. Ian Dunbar)  
  18. Leader of the pack  (Eileen and Dogs)  
  19. Dogs do it, so shouldn't we?  (Susan Garrett)
  20. Why dominance won't die (Debbie Jacobs)
  21. Why dog trainers will have to change their ways  (Kate Kellaway)
  22. Veterinary behaviorists question dominance theory in dogs (Timothy Kirn)
  23. How we came to misunderstand dogs (Kerry Lauerman)
  24. Dog training and the myth of alpha male dominance (Jennie Lee-St. John)
  25. The concept formerly described as "dominance" (Dr. Patricia McConnell)
  26. The "d word" and social relationships in dogs (Dr. Patricia McConnell)
  27. Dominance mythologies, Suzanne Hetts (Dr. Patricia McConnell)  
  28. Down with dominance  (Dr. Patricia McConnell)  
  29. Whatever happened to the term alpha wolf?  (L. David Mech)  
  30. De-bunking the "alpha dog" theory  (Pat Miller)  
  31. Dumbed down by dominance part 1  (Dr. Karen Overall) 
  32. Dumbed down by dominance part 2  (Dr. Karen Overall)  
  33. Position statement on the use of dominance theory in animal training  (Pet Professional Guild)  
  34. Why won't dominance die? (David Ryan)  
  35. Why do some people reject science?  (Anne Springer)  
  36. Using "dominance" to explain behavior is old hat (University of Bristol)  
  37. Nature's template for dog training... something to chew on  (Yvette Van Veen)  
  38. Predominant falsification in dominance dog training theories  (Charlotte Wagner)  
  39. Alpha roll or alpha role?  (Nicole Wilde)
  40. Comments on alpha dominance theory  (Whole Dog Journal)  
  41. Debunking the alpha dog theory  (Whole Dog Journal)  
  42. Alpha rolls okay?  (Dr. Sophia Yin)  

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