Please list seminars, conferences or workshops have you attended in the past 3 years
I have only begun my studies this year and I am currently undertaking several courses concurrently. I have been in education most of my life, training my dogs as a hobby sport. I have served in leadership and as a school principal for over a decade and have decided to retire to pursue my passion in helping families with their pets. I am passionate about force free Positive Engagement Training (PET) and helping families improve the quality of their lives through pet parenting, creating Calm, Attentive, Responsive and Engaged (CARE) dogs I have done 2 courses (Getting Behaviours, Keys to Successful Animal Training) and a masterclass with Karolina Westlund, I am enjoying the summit on Decoding your Canine with Ness Jones as well as her door desensitisation module. I have almost completed the Total Transformation Masterclass with K9 Training Institute and Certificate in Dog Psychology and Training BAG221 with Australian Courses and just about to embark on a new course, Advanced Certificate in Dog Care, Dog Training and Psychology with Courses4me, which I have enrolled in. I have also enjoyed books, blogs, videos and content from authors such as Kathy Sdao, Karen Pryor, Susan Garrett and Kamal Fernandes. I have given myself this year to study and then bring in decades of my education professional background in positive psychology and psychological safety which was my hallmark, into the 'families with pets' world