Presented by Barbara Hodel & Margaret Gray

Pet Professional Guild Australia offers its members at least one webinar per month. Anyone can present these webinars, provided the content is in line with our guiding principles of No Pain, No Force, No Fear. PPG Australia aims to increase the number of presenters & the range of topics. This webinar will be free to anyone interested in either hosting a webinar or being the facilitator of someone else's webinar.
It will be a comprehensive coverage of every stage in the development and presentation of webinars, from physical technology requirements, through writing the presentation, to organisation of the live webinar and how the individual components come together.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able either to host or to facilitate a webinar, through gaining knowledge of the following processes and how they fit together:
- hardware and software requirements;
- making application to host a webinar;
- length of time between their application and the event;
- how their material fits into the overall event;
- how the webinar software works;
- help provided by a PPG Australia committee member;
- how questions from attendees are handled;
- how & when they get paid.
About The Presenters

Barbara Hodel is the president of PPG Australia. In 2015 she completed her Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology at the Companion Animal Sciences Institute in Canada ( But she has been involved in dog training for the last 15 years and completed a Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services as a Delta-accredited instructor in 2007. She has been running Goodog Positive Dog Training on the Northern Beaches Sydney for the last 10 years, running classes on all levels as well as workshops and agility fun classes. She also does in home consultations.She competes on excellent and master levels Agility and Rally O with Shellbe her five year old German Shorthaired Pointer. Zorbas a Kelpie/Ridgeback cross is retired now but enjoys it at almost 14 years of age. Barbara had a life before dogs and holds a Master's Degree in Modern European History and Economics from the University of Bern (Switzerland) and a MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Southern Cross University Australia. She has in-depth experience in adult education and training, having taught high school and university students in Bern, college students in Sydney, as well as middle and top management employees of a large public corporation in Switzerland.

Margaret Gray is on the committee of PPG Australia and is the person responsible for organising our webinars. Margaret also holds a Diploma of Canine Behaviour Science and Technology from the Companion Animal Sciences Institute in Canada ( as well as a Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services from the Delta Society. She is based in the Southern Highlands of NSW where she runs Tails Up Dog Training. Her two Poodles, Saxon & Kuzu, might not run Tails Up but they do run the household. Except when they are learning new things or performing tricks, or running around their own agility for fun setup - all of which they love, they are thought to be amazingly naughty. (She doesn't agree with this assessment.) Margaret has been involved with dog all of her life but became interested in training when she retired from teaching high school students. As well as her dog training qualifications, Margaret has a B.A & a Dip. Ed. both from the University of New England.