Presented by Dr. Susan G Friedman
The Rat is Never Wrong: Getting It Right Without Getting It Wrong
We all know the saying, “We learn from our mistakes.” But too many mistakes can be punishing for animals and their trainers. And low rates of reinforcement can quickly produce frustration and aggression. Practicing errors can make correct responding even less likely. In this presentation we discuss strategies for arranging training sessions to reduce learner error and pave the way to higher rates of positive reinforcement, stronger motivation and faster learning.
Learning Objectives
Participants will understand the importance of reducing errors in their learner’s responses.
Participants will understand the how antecedent arrangement can improve learning outcomes.
Participants will understand the how to use consequence to improve learning outcomes.
About The Presenter
Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology at Utah State University. Susan has co-authored chapters on behavior change in five veterinary texts, and her popular articles have been translated into 15 languages.
She teaches seminars and a course on animal learning online (Living & Learning With Animals) and consults with zoos and animal organizations around the world. Susan was appointed to the F&WS California Condor Recovery Team from 2002 – 2010, after which time the team was retired due to the success of the birds in the wild.
She is the Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Committee of American Humane Association (AHA) Film and TV Unit, and a member in good standing of ABAI, ABMA, IAATE and IAABC.
See behaviorworks.organd